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Fillable Form New Mexico Eviction Notice

An eviction notice, or “notice to quit,” is a document sent by a landlord that notifies a tenant of a lease violation or the termination of their rental contract. Upon receiving, the tenant will have a specified number of days to either comply or vacate the premises.

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What is a New Mexico Eviction Notice?


A New Mexico eviction notice is a formal legal document used by landlords to inform tenants that they are required to vacate a rental property. The notice serves as the first step in the New Mexico eviction process, providing tenants with an opportunity to address the issue before legal action is taken. In New Mexico, eviction notices must comply with New Mexico eviction laws, which outline the specific reasons for eviction and the corresponding notice periods that landlords must adhere to.

How do I fill out a New Mexico Eviction Notice?

Get a copy of New Mexico Eviction Notice template in PDF format.

A fillable template for an NM Simple Eviction can be found here.


Enter the date that this notice was sent.


Enter the name of the tenant being given this notice.


Enter the address that this notice is being sent to.

Amount Owed

Enter the amount that the tenant currently owes, as well as the amount of rent due each month and the period that the past due rent covers.

Late Charges

Enter the amount that is being charged for late payments.


Enter the number of days within which the amount owed must be paid.

Payment Channel

Enter the following information about where the amount owed should be paid/made payable to:

  • Name of person rent will be paid to
  • Address
  • Phone


Have the landlord sign the form in the space provided.

Start filling out a New Mexico Eviction Notice sample and export in PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


How should an eviction notice be delivered?

Eviction notices can be delivered in person, by certified mail, or posted conspicuously on the property. Proper delivery is essential to ensure the notice is legally valid.

What happens if a tenant ignores an eviction notice?

If a tenant ignores an eviction notice, the landlord can file an eviction complaint in court. The court may then order the tenant to vacate the property.

Can a tenant contest an eviction notice?

Yes, a tenant can contest an eviction notice by presenting their case in court through an eviction lawsuit. They may argue that the notice was improperly served or that the landlord's claims are unfounded.

What is the role of the court in the eviction process?

The court reviews the eviction complaint and hears both the landlord's and tenant's sides. It then decides whether to grant the landlord possession of the property.

What are a tenant's rights during the eviction process in New Mexico?

Tenants have the right to receive proper notice and to contest the eviction in court. They can also raise defenses, such as proving that the landlord did not follow legal procedures.

Can a tenant break a lease to avoid eviction?

A tenant can choose to break a lease to avoid eviction, but they may still be responsible for paying any remaining rent or fees under the lease terms. The landlord may also seek damages.

Are there any protections for tenants against retaliatory eviction in New Mexico?

Yes, New Mexico's landlord tenant laws prohibits landlords from evicting tenants in retaliation for exercising their legal rights, such as reporting unsafe conditions.

Can a landlord increase the rent as a form of eviction?

No, increasing rent as a form of eviction is considered retaliatory and illegal. Rent increases must follow legal procedures and cannot be used to force a tenant out.

What is the purpose of an eviction moratorium?

An eviction moratorium temporarily halts evictions to protect tenants during emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides tenants with temporary relief from eviction proceedings.

How does a landlord prove a lease violation in court?

A landlord must present evidence, such as photos, documents, or witness testimony, to prove a lease agreement violation in court. It is the landlord's responsibility to keep records of when a tenant fails to follow the terms of the rental agreement.

What happens if a tenant vacates the property before the eviction notice period ends?

If a tenant vacates before the notice period ends, the eviction process typically stops. However, the landlord may still seek any unpaid rent or damages.

Can a landlord evict a tenant for having an unauthorized pet?

Yes, if the lease prohibits pets and the tenant has an unauthorized pet, the landlord can issue a 7-Day Notice to Cure or Vacate. If the tenant does not remove the pet, eviction proceedings may follow.

What are the consequences of ignoring a court-ordered eviction?

Ignoring a court-ordered eviction can result in law enforcement removing the tenant from the property. The tenant may also face additional legal penalties.

Can a landlord evict a tenant for property damage?

Yes, significant property damage that violates the lease can be grounds for eviction. The landlord may issue a 7-Day Notice to Cure or Vacate.

What are a landlord's obligations after a tenant is evicted?

The landlord must secure the property, possibly change the locks, and may need to handle any remaining tenant belongings according to state laws. They should also work to re-rent the property to mitigate losses.

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Keywords: New Mexico Eviction Notice New Mexico Eviction Notice template New Mexico Eviction Notice sample New Mexico Eviction Notice form New Mexico Eviction Notice pdf eviction notice nm

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